viernes, 1 de agosto de 2008

sábado, 28 de junio de 2008

Como esta el patio...

El nostre landlord ens ha donat 2 mesos perque busquem un altre lloc per anar a viure. Si, si... Aixi tal qual. Ja portavem uns mesos de estira i arronsa, que si heu de marxar de la casa, que si ara no cal que marxeu pero no podeu ser 5 a casa que nomes podeu ser 4, que si us muntare una cuina nova, que ara no. I finalment decisio pressa, que hem de marxar.
No us podeu ni imaginar el que costa trobar un lloc per anar a viure ara que els lloguers estan pujant considerablement. Tot esta carissim! Aixi que quan vaig veure un anunci d'una casa de 3 habitacions dobles a Hampstead, per un preu mes que raonable, vaig enviar un mail a l'anunciant per demanar mes informacio:

Date: Thursday, June 26, 2008, 7:40 PM

Hi Daniel,
I've seen your ad in Is the flat still available?

If so, I'd like to arrange a viewing. Thanks.

L'endema ja tenia una resposta:

Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2008 04:05:05 -0700

My name is Daniel Brone and I am from Sweden and the flat is still available for rent.
I had an aunt in UK and after her death she left me her apartment from UK a few years ago.
The flat was redecorated last year and the flat is looking very nice and clean. I m interrested in finding someone clean who can take care of this house more then getting money from renting it if you know what I mean.
Till last mounth the apartment was rent by some students from Germany and now they left and the apartment is available again for rent.
The price i want is 170 UK pounds per week and the advance it is the price for the first 2 mounths(1 advance and 1 guarantee).
If you have the money i could come in the next few days to show you the apartment or maybe sign the contract if you like it but first i must be sure you are honest because 2 weeks ago a person from UK told me he is really interested and he asked me to go to UK to meet him and sign the rent contract and when i arrived there no person showed up to rent my place and i lost time and money for nothing.

I will wait for your e-mail.

Resposta curiosa, pero vaig pensar que valia la pena intentar veure el pis igualment:

Date: Friday, June 27, 2008, 12:48 PM

Hi Daniel,
Of course I'm really interested on seeing the flat, but I can't promise I will take it without seeing it. Have you got any contact in UK who can show the flat on your behalf? Thanks,

I el tio em contesta:

Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2008 06:09:59 -0700

I am sorry but i don t have a person in London who can show you the flat...

La meva resposta:

Date: Friday, June 27, 2008, 3:56 PM

What do you suggest then?

I contesta:

Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2008 08:59:16 -0700

As I said I live in Sweden and I have to come to UK to meet you and see the flat. The notice period is 2 months and the lenght of the contract will be 6 months minimum.
To prof me you are honest and you have the money,I want you to give the money cash to a person from your family and he(she) will send the money 1360GBP to your name as a receiver in London UK using Western Union money transfer service.
After I see the scan receipt paper of the Western Union transfer I will see you are honest and you have the money and I will buy the fly ticket and come to UK the 2nd day to meet you and show you the flat.
There is a 3% transfer fee but I will accept to give you the money back when we will meet in UK or to deduct it from the total amount for the rent in case you like the flat and we sign the rent contract.
I do apologise for that but I told you last time when I arrived to London to show the flat to a person everything was a stupid joke and I hope you understand me because I don`t plane to waste my time and money on plane tickets..
I will wait for your reply to confirm if we have a deal because there is another person who is interested in reserving the flat!
Thank you
Daniel Brone

Indignadissima li contesto:

Enviado: viernes, 27 de junio de 2008 16:33:41

I think you are the one who is being dodgy / not honest now.
I'm not interested in the flat anymore.

Com era d'esperar no em va contestar al mail. Aquesta es una forma de timo que es veu que s'ha posat molt de moda. Els hi envies el comprovant de la transferencia de Western Union i ells veuen el numero de compte corrent a on has posat els diners, falsifiquen un xec i el van a cobrar i fi de la historia, ni diners ni pis i se't queda una cara a idiota que no pots amb ella.

martes, 17 de junio de 2008

Helena Bonham Carter

Segon famos de la temporada, primer va ser el cocainoman Pete Doherty i ara l'actriu molt bohemia, per no dir deixada... Helena Bonham Carter.
Quan veure en Jude Law i l'Orlando Bloom?

domingo, 15 de junio de 2008


Si, si... gran novetat!! Primicia!!! Tots coneixeu la meva super faceta esportiva, pero quan l'Alicia em va proposar l'altre dia d'anar al seu gimnas no vaig poder dir que no. La cosa prometia.
Es un gimnas hiper mega pijo que hi ha al meu barri, nomes us dire que pagues £80 mensuals si ets estudiant i £100 si ets treballador, et donen tantes tovalloles com vulguis, xampu, secador, fins i tot tens guarderia gratis! L'Alicia m'hi va voler deixar una estoneta, pero no em van acceptar. Total, que vaig ser la seva "artista invitada" per un dia.
Vam anar-hi a les 3 de la tarda fins a les 7. 4 hores, pero no us enganyare... No em vaig estar maxacant a les maquines! Vam fer una classe de dansa del ventre, una mica de flexions (obligada per l'Alicia), unes piscinetes, un jacuzzi, una sauna, una dutxa i cap a casa! Genial!
La millor part va ser la classe de dansa del ventre... Us adjunto l'escrit que va fer l'Alicia al seu fotolog:

"Ayer fui al gym con Laia. Básicamente íbamos a danza del vientre pero ahí hicimos un poco el pena. Porque a ver, tú vas a una clase para aprender, no para ver a la profe como te restriega por la cara cuánto sabe de danza del vientre. Para eso me voy a una exhibición, te enteras?
Así que la tía puso la música a todo trapo, sin micro y sin nada y se pasó la hora bailando a su bola y tu pues intentando seguir esos espasmos del vientre. La clase era un cuadro porque las japonesas también parecían patos con calambres en las piernas.
Luego nos ve a Laia y a mí sin hacer nada mirando a la profe en plan: -_-‘ yo esto, lista, no lo sé hacer. Esto es cinturón negro de danza del vientre. Y nos suelta: SI NO PRACTICAIS NO APRENDEIS. Y yo: YOTEARRANCOLOSPELOS! Si tú no nos enseñas como vamos a aprender! Mamona! Encima todo el rato bailaba mirándose al espejo en plan: ohh sí cuánto sé, cuánto me quiero y que buena estoy uhmmm yummy! Y al bailar se tocaba el pelo y cerraba los ojos y apretaba los muslos y se movía muy rápido con la pelvis. Momento en que deducimos que estaba teniendo un orgasmo. Encima…"

No tinc mes paraules.

jueves, 1 de mayo de 2008

Fa fred...

Ja estem a 1 de Maig i aquí no sembla que acabi d'arribar el bon temps. Para muestra un botón... Foto de fa 2 setmanes, una impressionant nevada. Vaig anar a dormir el Dissabte a la nit que no hi havia res que indiqués que hauria de nevar, i l'endemà em llevo, tiro les cortines i aquest és el panorama que em trobo... Em va deixar descolocada, no sabia a on estava ni si veuria al pare Noel passar amb el trineu!
Us deixo una altra foto de com hauria de ser el temps ara... Foto 1 la realitat, foto 2 les ganes! :)

sábado, 19 de abril de 2008

Eau de merde

Ahir al matí quan vaig sortir de casa per anar cap a la feina, vaig sentir una olereta a caca de gos. Vaig pensar... "Merda! (mai tant ben dit), ni tant sols he arribat a fer dues passes de casa que ja he trepitjat una merda... Baixón..." Em miro la sola de les sabates i no, no hi tenia res, perfecte! Continuo caminant i la olor no desapareix... Ostres! Definitivament dec ser jo... Torno a mirar la sola de les sabates, res... Em miro el bolso, a veure si l'hauré deixat a algun lloc i m'ha agafat aquesta olereta... Tampoc. No entenc res... Continuo el meu camí cap a la feina i la olor no desapareix. No pot ser, no pot ser. M'aturo, torno a fer el ritual, sabates, bolso, miro l'abric, res de res... M'oloro... Si, si... Tot un panorama. Coi! Jo no sóc, però que coi és aquesta olor???? Em resigno. Quan arribo a la feina, ja gairebé no la sento. Millor.
Al vespre quan arribo a casa la Sophie em comenta si he sentit una olor extranya aquest matí, si, si que l'he sentit!! Doncs es veu que l'eau de merde venia d'Europa de l'Est. El vent havia portat aquesta olor, segurament d'abono de granjes o bé productes químics. Jo encara no em puc creure que pogués sentir tant a prop una olor que venia de tant lluny.

Aquí teniu l'article de la BBC

Pong in the air is 'Euro-whiff'

A foul smell detected in parts of England and Wales is being blamed on easterly winds bringing farming or industrial smells across the Channel.

Labelled "Euro-whiff" by the Met Office, the source of the smell - alternately described as sulphur and manure - is under investigation.

The Met Office said it had had hundreds of calls from the public looking for information about the odour.

The BBC News website has received more than 1,000 e-mails about the smell.

Readers have reported a range of sulphur and manure-like smells hanging over large parts of England and Wales.

'Stagnant air'

The Met Office's Sarah Holland said: "Basically, over the last few days, we've had fresh, strong winds from an easterly direction. As a result some of our air is coming from continental Europe."

People sniffing the 'Euro-whiff'

She added that while members of Met Office staff were trying to trace the exact source of the "apparent atmospheric aroma", the likely explanation was either agricultural or industrial works in western Europe.

"Normally, our winds are westerly, coming off the Atlantic Ocean, which bring little or no pollution with them."

Helen Chivers of the Met Office said the origin of the smell had been narrowed down to the area of Europe roughly bordered by Holland, Germany and Belgium.

But, she said, it was unlikely the exact source would be pinpointed.

"I don't think there's any way we will know. The air over that part of Europe has been very stagnant over the past few days, so there won't be any way of telling where it is coming from."

Mrs Chivers said the smell had been described as everything from manure to methane gas to metallic in nature.

Dead animal smell

Some of the strongest smells have been reported in Reading and Basingstoke, with other reports of a stench in East Anglia, as far north as Durham and as far south as Devon.

It is the sort of smell you can taste
Marian Miller,
High Wycombe, Bucks

Forecasters say the easterly winds, which are bringing the current cold front in addition to the bad smell, are expected to last two or three more days.

BBC News website reader Sriram from Stevenage wrote that he feared there might be a dead animal near his house.

"I thought there was something that was dead, like a rat or a cat, and it was their decay that was causing the smell," he said. "I quickly got into the car and drove off, then at the station I parked the car and got out and the stench was still there. I had a serious scare now."

Marian Miller from High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, said the smell had induced nausea.

"I noticed an acrid smell rather like burning plastic during the night, about 5am. It is the sort of smell you can taste."

A wine expert gives his professional opinion on the pong

Matt from Cardiff said his first thought was to blame the neighbourhood pets.

"I thought it was our local neighbourhood dogs and cats being busy in the night in our garden - but the smell stayed noticeable during my three-mile bike ride to work."

Stu Maddison of Ealing, west London, said he noticed the stench as soon as he stepped out the door this morning.

Mr Maddison said the smell was still in the air when he arrived for work in Notting Hill.

"It's a bit rude really," he said of the air. "Various colleagues thought they'd trod in something but no, it's the air."

My wife and I live in Clapham and we noticed a smell this morning and thought it was from a fox. When I returned to the house a while later, the smell was still there and was all down the road. This afternoon it seems to have died down.

Tim Vallings

I've noticed a sickly sweet off smell, similar to silage, occasionally over the past couple of weeks. When we had the same smell a couple of years ago, which lasted for two weeks, it was blamed on a local sewage problem.


When I went to work this morning I thought that a farmer had been spraying his fields with manure. It was so strong it made me choke. The smell followed me all the way to Windsor. Lunchtime (1.00 pm) the smell seems to have dissipated somewhat.

Kris Longuehaye

I thought there was something wrong with the sewers, but the whole area smelt like rotten eggs! This now explains it, though doesn't help with the smell!

Debbie Evans

For the last couple of days when i've gone out into the garden there has been this foul, strong smell in the air. As if 100 foxes have poo'd in the back garden. Now i know where the smell is coming from, doesn't make it smell any nicer though.

Karen Groves

I smelt a manure smell this morning when I walked out of my house. I thought that I had stepped in dog mess...again! It's good to know now what the mysterious smell was.

Sarah Capel

I went outside this morning at 8.30am with my daughter and we both smelt a disgusting manure smell. We thought our neighbour had been putting manure on his garden and blamed him! It reminded me of when I used to live in the country and didn't mind it too much but not every day!!!

Susan Lewton

In the last few days I'd noticed a tremendous stink on the A358 when motorbiking between Ilminster and Taunton. I was finding it hard to attribute it to any specific field as it seems to cover a very long stretch of the road.

Rob Swan

I noticed what I thought was the smell of gas this morning when I left the house for work. I could also smell it in the car park at work. Other people here have been saying that they could smell sulphur in the air.

Chris Morton

A definate odour of 'muck-spreading' has hung around our area for a couple of days. Thought it was due to our own agricultural efforts.

S Roberts

I was aware of an agricultural type smell in the air outside my home in Newport first thing this morning and thought it strange that the same smell was evident when I arrived for a meeting at the University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff at 9am.

Ian Bolt

I have noticed a bad sulphur-type smell in our offices. We have had to turno off our air conditioning.

Ajmal Outama

When I went into the kitchen first thing, I thought it was gas I could smell. I checked the cats' litter tray - nothing there. On leaving for work I realised the niff was on the wind. So this is what it is!

Bryn Pugh

We work near to Milton Tip and had just presumed this was another smelly day on the tip but this makes more sense as i live 35 miles away and could smell it before i left for work too.

Nick Preston

In Norwich first thing this morning the smell was obvious and quite awful. As the wind picked up it appeared to clear slightly. Do remember that any pollution, emissions from agriculture and other "aromas" from the UK are usually blown across to Europe, so it's only fair we're suffering for once!

David Thomas

There has been a terrible smell in the air here for the past couple of days. Many people have commented on it. Smells like a mixture of sick & dung. All the kids were commenting on it coming out of school yesterday. Wendy May Bushnell

I noticed strong smell (manure/gas/rotting vegetation) this morning (5-7AM) at Tynemouth.

C Armstrong

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2008/04/18 17:42:35 GMT


lunes, 14 de abril de 2008

El retorno...

Ei!! He tornat!! M'acabo d'adonar que fa 2 mesos que no escric res. A aquestes alçades potser ja no tinc ni gent que em llegeixi!! :)
Bueno, us deixo una gran joia, uns gags de Little Britain. Si teniu temps, mireu-ho.