sábado, 28 de junio de 2008

Como esta el patio...

El nostre landlord ens ha donat 2 mesos perque busquem un altre lloc per anar a viure. Si, si... Aixi tal qual. Ja portavem uns mesos de estira i arronsa, que si heu de marxar de la casa, que si ara no cal que marxeu pero no podeu ser 5 a casa que nomes podeu ser 4, que si us muntare una cuina nova, que ara no. I finalment decisio pressa, que hem de marxar.
No us podeu ni imaginar el que costa trobar un lloc per anar a viure ara que els lloguers estan pujant considerablement. Tot esta carissim! Aixi que quan vaig veure un anunci d'una casa de 3 habitacions dobles a Hampstead, per un preu mes que raonable, vaig enviar un mail a l'anunciant per demanar mes informacio:

Date: Thursday, June 26, 2008, 7:40 PM

Hi Daniel,
I've seen your ad in moveflat.com. Is the flat still available?

If so, I'd like to arrange a viewing. Thanks.

L'endema ja tenia una resposta:

Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2008 04:05:05 -0700

My name is Daniel Brone and I am from Sweden and the flat is still available for rent.
I had an aunt in UK and after her death she left me her apartment from UK a few years ago.
The flat was redecorated last year and the flat is looking very nice and clean. I m interrested in finding someone clean who can take care of this house more then getting money from renting it if you know what I mean.
Till last mounth the apartment was rent by some students from Germany and now they left and the apartment is available again for rent.
The price i want is 170 UK pounds per week and the advance it is the price for the first 2 mounths(1 advance and 1 guarantee).
If you have the money i could come in the next few days to show you the apartment or maybe sign the contract if you like it but first i must be sure you are honest because 2 weeks ago a person from UK told me he is really interested and he asked me to go to UK to meet him and sign the rent contract and when i arrived there no person showed up to rent my place and i lost time and money for nothing.

I will wait for your e-mail.

Resposta curiosa, pero vaig pensar que valia la pena intentar veure el pis igualment:

Date: Friday, June 27, 2008, 12:48 PM

Hi Daniel,
Of course I'm really interested on seeing the flat, but I can't promise I will take it without seeing it. Have you got any contact in UK who can show the flat on your behalf? Thanks,

I el tio em contesta:

Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2008 06:09:59 -0700

I am sorry but i don t have a person in London who can show you the flat...

La meva resposta:

Date: Friday, June 27, 2008, 3:56 PM

What do you suggest then?

I contesta:

Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2008 08:59:16 -0700

As I said I live in Sweden and I have to come to UK to meet you and see the flat. The notice period is 2 months and the lenght of the contract will be 6 months minimum.
To prof me you are honest and you have the money,I want you to give the money cash to a person from your family and he(she) will send the money 1360GBP to your name as a receiver in London UK using Western Union money transfer service.
After I see the scan receipt paper of the Western Union transfer I will see you are honest and you have the money and I will buy the fly ticket and come to UK the 2nd day to meet you and show you the flat.
There is a 3% transfer fee but I will accept to give you the money back when we will meet in UK or to deduct it from the total amount for the rent in case you like the flat and we sign the rent contract.
I do apologise for that but I told you last time when I arrived to London to show the flat to a person everything was a stupid joke and I hope you understand me because I don`t plane to waste my time and money on plane tickets..
I will wait for your reply to confirm if we have a deal because there is another person who is interested in reserving the flat!
Thank you
Daniel Brone

Indignadissima li contesto:

Enviado: viernes, 27 de junio de 2008 16:33:41

I think you are the one who is being dodgy / not honest now.
I'm not interested in the flat anymore.

Com era d'esperar no em va contestar al mail. Aquesta es una forma de timo que es veu que s'ha posat molt de moda. Els hi envies el comprovant de la transferencia de Western Union i ells veuen el numero de compte corrent a on has posat els diners, falsifiquen un xec i el van a cobrar i fi de la historia, ni diners ni pis i se't queda una cara a idiota que no pots amb ella.

3 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Joder com va la gent... tu tranqui que aviat trobareu alguna cosa interessant....

Charlie dijo...

Déu n'hi dó...

Roger dijo...


Quina barra la penya...!